wow lfg note
wow lfg note


Patch 10.2.7 Dark Heart Development Notes


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Cant put 'note' on LFG

2022年3月8日 — I believe you need both the authenticator AND sms protect to be active on the account to put notes on LFG.

LFG Note Function

2022年10月11日 — ... I can put up a note up for my groups. Is this seriously the best way to combat spam, Blizzard? Is it like this on retail WoW now too?

How to add notes in lfg?

2021年1月24日 — hey when i see some people sign up for groups they have notes listed like 1700cr 22% 2kxp. how do i add that to my toons when i sign up for ...

PlayerNotes LFG v1.0.2 SL

Shows a star (*) in front of the applicant name / the group leader's name if there is a note associated with that specific player.

Dungeon Finder | WoWWiki

Looking For Group and LFG redirect here. For the the meaning of the acronym lFG, see LFG in World of Warcraft terminology (A-M) under L.

LFG apply note

2021年3月10日 — You can copy the text from the last note box if you want, but you can't paste into any other/future note boxes. The field doesn't allow it.


2021年11月5日 — It's somewhat useful for getting people for lower level dungeons, as they rarely bother using lfg channel.

How to add a personnal note for group finder

2022年12月17日 — When you apply to join a group and select your role (ie. DPS), there is a box you can type stuff in.

Patch 10.2.7 Dark Heart Development Notes

2024年4月10日 — Blizzard has posted Patch 10.2.7 Dark Heart development notes which includes Mythic+ LFG improvements.


2022年3月8日—IbelieveyouneedboththeauthenticatorANDsmsprotecttobeactiveontheaccounttoputnotesonLFG.,2022年10月11日—...Icanputupanoteupformygroups.Isthisseriouslythebestwaytocombatspam,Blizzard?IsitlikethisonretailWoWnowtoo?,2021年1月24日—heywheniseesomepeoplesignupforgroupstheyhavenoteslistedlike1700cr22%2kxp.howdoiaddthattomytoonswhenisignupfor ...,Showsastar(*)infrontoftheapplicantname/thegr...